dinsdag 29 april 2008


Milk or milk products. Find some in your space today.

I made a LO about the cows, walking in my PIL-backgarden. It was a challenge for Dutch Dares.......

Today is a bit of a special day...... it's our 20th wedding-anniversary.......

7 opmerkingen:

Bambi zei

love the placement of the glass so it looks like the picture of milk pouring on the carton is actually pouring into the glass (^_^) great one!

Kate zei

Love the cow layout and congratulations on your wedding anniversary.

Igotmebabe zei

Brilliant shot

All of my Todays zei

Happy Anniversary I hope you have a wonderful day. x

Diane Rooney zei

Love that photo particularly the perspective. Nice double layout as well. x

The Cook zei

Happy Anniversary! Hope you had a lovely time today. x

Chantua zei

Great Shot, cleverly done. and Congratulations on 20 years.